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Melting Play DOUGH?!

Have you ever been at home with your siblings and needed a quick, simple activity to do? I’ve got the perfect solution for you! Try concocting this wierd substance one of these lazy summer afternoons….


Here’s what to do: put some cornstarch (about a cup or two) in a bowl. Add just enough water to form a goopy mixture. Add food coloring, if desired. This will keep everyone occupied for hours. It looks messy but will clean up in a cinch. ;) Try it and see!

Happy Tuesday!


Blog Award!

My friend Jess over at Travail with Me… nominated me for a blog award!

Here’s how it works:

1. each nominee must answer 11 questions,
2. create 11 questions for the next nominees to answer,
3. link back to the person who nominated them,
4. choose one or more blogging friends and link them to their post, and
5. go to their websites and tell them.

So here are the eleven questions Jess gave me to answer:

1. If you could pick a talent, what would it be?
I’m not exactly sure if this is a talent, but the gift of true hospitality is one I’d like to have.

2. What would you do if a robber broke into your house while you were there alone?
Call 911 and take necessary course of action depending on the situation.

3. Are you willing to share your salvation story?
Yes! I was saved at the age of six, kneeling at our old couch with Mom. She kept the little dress I wore. :) Walking with the Lord is indeed a journey. I have had struggles, but He has been faithful to carry me, hemming me in behind and before. And I know that whatever the future may hold I can trust that His grace will be there for me.

4. What is the craziest thing you actually and truly want to do before you die?
Cuddle a koala bear and backpack a mountain (or several!).

5. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?
Hmm…I’ve had A LOT of forehead-slapping moments. To name a few….accidently walking into the guys bathroom at McDonalds. Running out on the highway during one of Mom’s races to give her a high five and almost getting hit by a car. Driving along peacefully at night and not noticing or pulling over as a police car streaked past me with his lights blaring and sirens screaming. Oops. At age 10 telling my brothers I could hold my breath for 1 ½ minutes. When they didn’t believe me I did it. Oh, and yes, eating part of a habanero pepper *just to see what it was like* (a pepper which happens to be, in case you’re wondering, hotter than most pepper sprays and many times hotter than a jalapeno). I felt like I was going to die. ‘Nuff said.

6. What’s your favorite quote?
Can I do 3 please? :)

“The will of God is always different from what you expect, always bigger, and ultimately, infinitely more glorious than your wildest imaginings.”

“Find joy in the journey.”

“The number one reason why people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they have already come.”

7. What is your personality type? (Take the test here and read more about each personality here)
Well, I have taken this kind of test several times before, and I’m a mix between ISTJ and ISFJ. :)

8. What’s the most convicting book you’ve ever read? (Besides the Bible…)
Right now I’m reading through a book titled “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert” by Rosaria Butterfield. Maybe it’s not the MOST convicting book I’ve ever read, but it’s definitely up there. It is an excellent book.

9. What’s your all-time favorite movie?
Anything to do with movies and snacks…count me in! :D Oh dear. I actually don’t have an all-time favorite movie yet. There are so many! I enjoy all sorts of movies. My favorites would include (in no particular order) the 2004 BBC version of North and South, The Lord of the Rings, The Conspirator, Amazing Grace, the 2007 BBC version of Emma, The Count of Monte Cristo, Secretariat, and Anne of Green Gables.

10. If you knew you would die in exactly 24 hours from now, what would you do with the remaining time?
I would spend time with those closest to me, give away my earthly goods, and spend time in prayer.

11. Who are your favorite music artists? (List at least 5)
Laura Story
Sara Groves
Mat Redman
Judy Rogers
Michael Card
Jason Gray
The Piano Guys (be sure to listen to “Without You” and “All of Me” by these guys if you haven’t already!! :)

The three people I’m nominating for blog awards are:

Hannah at

Kaitlyn at

Isabella at

Here are your questions, ladies! And everyone else: please feel free to answer any or all of these in the comments section! I’d love to hear your answers! :)

1. Who are three historical figures you are inspired by?

2. What do you usually request for your birthday dessert?

3. If you had a quiet morning all to yourself, what would you do?

4. Can you describe your life in six words?

5. What is something that makes you smile?

6. What is a book that you could read cover-to-cover without taking a break?

7. Describe a thrilling scenario (big or small) that you have been in and will always remember. 

8. What is your favorite time of the day and why?

9. Are you a city girl, a country girl, or a mix of both?

10. If you were to pick one skill to master, what would it be?

11. What is something quirky about you that makes you unique? 


Fibonacci Numbers

I watched this video on Fibonacci numbers a few days ago, and it was fascinating! I had heard of Fibonacci numbers before, but this was a wonderful explanation of what they are and where they’re found. Watch this and you will be amazed by our AWESOME Creator! It’s amazing to me to see the beauty and intricacy of His handiwork, which is powerful proof of intelligent design.

This puts a whole new perspective on the verse “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1)

“Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them.” (Psalm 69:34)