
Enjoying the Journey

This week marked the end of the 2013 fall semester. My semester of 14 credits has not been an easy one. There were times when I was a bit too stressed or had my priorities mixed up. There were times when I had to drag myself to the computer and textbooks to start studying. Yes, I even procrastinated when I didn’t want to tackle a difficult concept, such as cellular respiration. There were times when I started to dream about the season ahead after finishing my nursing degree and finding my niche, not having to worry about school anymore.

But some of the best advice I was ever given was to enjoy the journey of life. To savor each season as it comes, not looking to the next in hopes that it will be better. It may be better, it may be worse, but that shouldn’t be our focus.

So looking back, this journey toward nursing has been an incredible road so far. Taking microbiology and physiology together helped to give me the “big picture” of how our bodies function on both a systemic and cellular level.

In my biased opinion :), I don’t think there is any topic of study more incredible than that of  God’s creation. There were moments when I just stood in sheer amazement of our Creator as I tried to wrap my mind around the design and order of the way God made us:

“For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.”
~Psalm 139: 13-14

I have learned so much and my passion for health and wellness only continues to grow. I praise God for His direction in my life, yet I want to continue to hold this with an open hand. It’s my prayer that I’ll be in a place where I can most glorify His name. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for me!

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This journey has been wonderful in other ways, too. My dear friend, Ryann, and I were able to take our science classes together. Her love for the Lord, combined with her awesome sense of humor, eagerness to serve, and zest for life has blessed me more than I can say. Between classes and bouts of studying, we enjoyed coffee runs to “Pandora” (Panera), deep discussion, hilarious and spontaneous giggle fits, talking through personal struggles, shopping, more studying, and concocting nerdy jokes. It was wonderful to have a godly friend to walk through this with. Sadly, we will now have to part ways in school as Ryann begins a nursing program and I continue with pre-nursing education, but I will never forget our special memories. We’re hoping to end up in the same hospital as nurses someday! :)

Another thing I realized while traveling down the journey of life is that all is grace. Truly. The low points in the semester reminded me of my utter and complete dependency on the Lord and that I can do nothing apart from Him. Each day, each moment, we must look not to the lies of the world, but to our Savior who died that we may be alive and new creations in Christ! He fulfills us and give meaning to our lives. He hems us in, behind and before, and supplies us with the grace we need for each day in this journey we call life. To God alone be the glory!

One Comments

  • Kaitlyn

    December 21, 2013

    Oh, wow, Brooke! This is just what I needed to hear! “To enjoy the journey of life. To savor each season as it comes, not looking to the next in hopes that it will be better. It may be better, it may be worse, but that shouldn’t be our focus.” That blessed and encouraged me SO much today!! I just can’t even tell you how much! Thank you for sharing! Love you!

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