
Drinks of the month

Hello everyone!
‘Tis the season for colds, the flu, germs, coughs, and sore throats. We haven’t escaped them entirely, but I’m grateful to say that the colds in our home have been small and very short so far.

Here are two drinks that I have found both delicious and helpful for these nasty little ailments. Although I wouldn’t call them “cures” or “remedies”, they really do help to speed up your recovery.

So here’s the first drink: taken together, honey and lemon combat sore throats, coughs, and congestion, according to Mayo Clinic. Raw honey has antibacterial properties, and it tastes yummy as well!

Lemon-honey drink: put 2 tablespoons of raw honey and 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice in the bottom of a large mug. Slowly stir in hot (not boiling) water (about 1 1/2 – 2 cups) and stir well. Sip slowly, and enjoy!

And for the second drink…have you ever had a queasy, churning stomach? This soothing tea is just the thing to help relieve nausea and calm your tummy. Ginger calms nausea, and also helps with throat and nose congestion.

Ginger tea: put 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger and a generous spoonful of raw honey in a mug. Add 1 cup of hot water and a splash of milk. Stir, and and enjoy! 

Those are only two of the many things you can do to combat colds. What have you found helpful when you have a cold? 


  • Anna

    November 8, 2012

    A nice cup of Hot tea (Thanks for the new recipes!) and some freshly minced garlic taken with a teaspoon of honey. The garlic is the best cure for any cold or sickness. Clears up the head quickly and last for 30-60 min. You get better fast too1 =)
    I am currently finishing battling a head cold right now. Hope you all feel better!

  • Brooke Noble

    November 17, 2012

    Hi Anna! Oh, that’s a great idea about the garlic – it has some great immune-boosting qualities. Thanks for sharing! That’s such a bummer you had a cold…I hope you’re feeling better now!

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